Selenium is an open-source automated testing framework tool used in web applications to perform multiple tasks in multiple operating platforms. Testing done by selenium is usually known as Selenium Testing.
Selenium is not a single tool used in web applications. Learn Selenium testing online provides comprehensive skill and knowledge in testing and framework.Selenium testing tools greatly support the testing of web applications and mobile app development.
As the world is getting digitized, the need for Selenium testers will be a huge demand in future. The certification holders get better placement in their job career.
Selenium Components
Selenium is a widely popular web application tool used for web UI automation. It is an open-source language used to perform multiple tasking in various OS. Selenium is a combination of the various suites of software.
Selenium uses four modules: Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Selenium Remote Control (RC), Selenium Grid and Selenium Web Driver.
1. Selenium IDE: It is a Firefox add-on that is mainly used in creating simple test cases and test suites.
2. Selenium RC: It is also called Selenium 1 which is the first Selenium tool used to perform the various tests in different languages. It greatly helps in the complex test.
3. Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid is a tool used with Selenium remote control to execute parallel testing across various OS and different browsers.
4. Web Driver: Web Driver is a breakthrough that allows the test scripts to communicate to the browser directly, and it can be controlled from OS level.
Selenium RC and web drivers are combined together to form Selenium 2. The Selenium testing is comfortable to use and flexible to perform.

What you will learn in the Selenium Online Certification Course?
The Selenium Online Certification Course helps learn detailed components, its various methods, tools and techniques to perform selenium testing tasks in different web applications. Selenium testing is also used to perform various mobile applications.
The certification course provides the following technical benefits to the learner at the end of the course.
Learner get sufficient knowledge in Selenium Web driver and Python API
They learn to install Selenium in the various OS that includes windows, Ubuntu, Linux, Mac, etc.
Learn the web element tool Python in detail.
Learn how to locate web elements using CSS or XPATH selectors.
Get to learn about leverage concepts like Page objects, UI mapping, etc.
How to distribute selenium tests using Selenium Grid
How to organize selenium codes in the package and how to wrap selenium calls.
How to queue selenium calls using action chains, how to apply actions like clicking an element, sending keys to the element, etc.
How to maintain the selenium codes, testing tools, and its functionalities
Also learn the best practices of selenium tests writing practices.
Last but not the least; the learner learns how to collect selenium test codes without creating a manual test suite.
There is no doubt that in the future the demand for selenium testers will be huge in-demand. The candidates Learn Selenium Testing will get placed easily in the top MNC with lucrative salary package. The certification adds value to the resume to get hired in top MNC’s. Join today to grab the excellent offers!!
Python and its Web-elements
Python is a high-level programming language used in Selenium Testing. Python is designed with better code readability and the syntax used in python language is similar to the English language. The Selenium Online Certification Course lets you learn python and its web element in detail. Python is easy to learn, simple to use but shows the effective result at the end of testing.
Python is the free and open-source web automation software used in high-level programming with an interpreter to run the program efficiently. It requires an interpreter but it is not necessary to install the interpreter to run python in web applications, is the beauty of the Python testing.
The online Selenium Certification Training Program helps get sufficient knowledge in python, its tools, operations, and techniques. Python has many in-built testing frameworks that debug and works faster.
The python uses different tools and modules to perform the testing task in cross platforms over cross browsers. It mainly uses Selenium, Splinter, Pytest, and Robot framework to perform the testing. Online training helps to know the tools in detail with the help of the trainer.
Locating Web Elements using Python
To start with, write functional tests using Selenium web driver then send a request to selenium server to test the case on different browsers. The browser can be Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and IE. It is essential to bind Selenium with Python to perform various tasks.
Python programming offers various frameworks that include Django, MongoDB, flask, etc. The learner gets comprehensive knowledge of python frameworks, its plug-in and coding features like local VCS to execute test tasks.
It is a tricky subject to identify web elements like text box, id, radio button, etc. To interact with web elements selenium uses locators. The course training helps the learner comfort in finding those web elements easily.
Selenium Web Driver with Python
The Selenium WebDriver with Python identifies the web elements accurately, precisely, and effectively on different locator types to perform the task much faster and easier. The automation scripts help in easy identification of web locators.
The biggest strength of Python is it has the high volume of the standard library that is used to perform various functions that include Machine learning, test frameworks, image processing, scientific computing, text processing, and many more.
Python programming is generally easy to learn. When compared to other programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc. Python programming is much smaller and coding can be done with simple easy English.
Best course for Future Career
Programmers have to type relatively fewer codes that make them read all the time. The Selenium Online Certification Course greatly helps the beginner and professional to change their career in testing with lucrative salary packages.
When compared to other programming languages, Selenium Testing is easy to learn, flexible to use, fast to perform, and shows the efficient result. The testing can be done on various platforms with different OS simultaneously.
Be smart to choose the right certification course to shine in a future career. Wishing you all the best for the bright future!!